Welcome to our member advertisers’ catalogue listings. Here you will find the category of goods and services that you might be interested in. These listings lead to the Advertisements of Advertisers, who have entered Distribuware Advertising Campaign, and made their available advertisements, according to the categories they chose on entering Distribuware Network Systems.
Please select the categories of ads accordingly. Thanks for sharing interest in our member Advertisers’ Advertisements.
All our advertisers offer various exceptional discounts, giveaways, gifts, credit facilities, and layaway plans only available from them. Kindly check constantly for updates from advertisers and their offers they make. Do shop at their stores as they are dedicated in giving good customer services and are very generous. All members if they are logged in, can click on an ad which takes the members to the sites of the advertisers, while at the same time an email is sent to the advertiser. In this way, the advertiser knows members are interested in their advertisements and will also contact you, so that members meet in this way and exchange friendships with each other. It is a very personal and social contact system of advertising, shopping and financial benefits. Nonmembers will have to sign up for these benefits.
From the Administrators of Distribuware.com